Project-Norce Offshore-Punj LloydPTTEP Module Installation
Norce Offshore-Punj LloydPTTEP Module Installation
OCS was contracted by NorCE Offshore to perform installation engineering with respect to the installation of 6 modules for main contractor Punj Lloyd for PTTEP onto the existing PRP platform, in Erawan Field in the Gulf of Thailand. The 6 modules are 3 Air Cooler Module and 3 Gas Turbine Compressor Modules each weighs an average of 500-750mT. OCS work scope comprises of:-
Installation Engineering :
- Conceptualise Guide and bumpers layout
- Final Design Guide and Bumpers
- Rigging design and selection
- Mooring analysis
- Installation Procedure preparation
Field Engineering:
- Load out coordination
- Site coordination during offshore execution
NorCE Offshore was subcontracted by PunjLloyd as heavy lift vessel provider.
All lifts were completed on 24th August 2011.