Our services are equally compatible with offshore renewable wind power facilities as they are with oil and gas installations.
To complement our Operational and Field Engineering staff OCS has built up a mature Design and Construction Support Engineering group equipped with the latest industry software to provide engineering analysis required for marine structure and pipeline design, transportation studies, pipeline and cable lay, pile drivability, mooring analyses, engineered lifts, jacket launch, float and upend, topside float-over installation and a range of other applications.
Using experienced construction management, engineering and technical personnel OCS has developed and operates a comprehensive suite of strategic marine construction equipment. Theequipment is comprehensive and covers key activities such as platform and pipeline decommissioning, pipeline pre-commissioning, pipeline free span corrections, pipeline pre and post trenching, pile remediation etc. This equipment can be deployed from our UB-01 “Miss Pennie” or on a stand along basis from 3rd party equipment.
The OCS conceived, designed, constructed and operated Utility barge “Miss Pennie” provides pre-trenching, post trenching and bespoke marine construction solutions for marine projects. Vessel operations are complemented where required by other OCS key support equipment.
In 2013 the company assisted the Indonesian EPIC Contractor PT Timas Suplindo to acquire the Derrick Pipelay Barge DLB 01 from McDermott and OCS now operates the vessel on behalf of Timas executing a wide range of marine projects. The vessel is equipped with a 12 point mooring, 900 ton revolving Derrick tub crane and full pipelay capability. Timas has more recently acquired the dynamically positioned combination Derrick Pipelay vessel T-1201 which is also managed by OCS on Timas behalf.
OCS fully owned office and workshop complex is located at 36 Kian Teck Rd, Singapore. Additional facilities are located in Batam, Indonesia and Bangalore, India. The Company is certified to ISO 9001 and by NATA (Australia) and Singlas (Singapore).
- Starting with a small core group of highly experienced personnel from a marine contracting and engineering background in the company’s earlier years, OCS has now expanded its dedicated staff with support operations in the India (Bangalore) and Indonesia.
- Marine construction areas of expertise include marine platform and pipeline installations, offshore wind facilities, pipeline shore approaches, platform and pipeline decommissioning, jacket launches, topsides float-overs, mooring installations and bespoke construction projects.
- Experienced in all the marine, structural and operational aspects related to the design, fabrication and installation of offshore platforms, pipelines, subsea structures, moorings and all related facilities.
- Services for OCS clients include Marine Facilities Engineering and Design, Construction Management including related Engineering and Field Support, Marine Equipment Upgrades, Rig up of Specialist Equipment Spreads, Stinger Design, “Build to Operations” Manuals for Marine equipment etc.
- OCS operates a jacket Launch Management services and has launched a total of 6 jackets up to 8500 metric tonnes in weight in water depths to 158 metres water .
- OCS Operates a suite of Strategic Equipment together with Support Technicians in the marine construction support areas of Pipeline and Platform decommissioning, Pipeline Pre-commissioning, Pipeline Pre and Post Trenching, Free Span Corrections, Pile remediation Flexible Flowline / Cable / Umbilical installations etc. We are continually adding to our equipment inventory.
OCS was certified to ISO 9001 in 2008 and accredited by Nata for mechanical testing in 2013 and by Singlas in 2022
OCS was certified and issued the General Builder Class 1 License by Building and Construction Authority (Singapore) in 2021.
OCS purchased an office / workshop facility in the Pioneer district of Singapore in 2014 to accommodate the Company’s management, engineering and equipment groups. The workshop is equipped with machining facilities and is used for the maintenance of OCS Equipment and for the construction of specialised equipment packages leveraged by our onsite Construction management and engineering. The facility had been continually improved and is now a centre of excellence and critical hub for the support of OCS various business lines.
OCS has constructed a small utility barge UB01”Miss Pennie” specifically designed for the support of pre-trenching, small pipelay post trenching and miscellaneous nearshore and shallow water projects. The barge is attended by a multicar AHT, diving, survey and other critical equipment and is fully owned and operated by OCS. The vessel is available for charter or for lump sum contract services.