Project-Asia Petroleum Development (APD) – Glagah Kambuna Field Development Project
Asia Petroleum Development (APD) – Glagah Kambuna Field Development Project
OCS was commissioned by the main contractor PT Timas to perform the construction engineering, equipment preparation and execution supervision for the installation of a 42 km 14” gas export pipeline from the Kambuna platform offshore North Sumatera to a landfall Northeast of Medan.:
Salient features of the project included.
- 5 km beach approach.
- Duplex line pipe in the platform approach area.
- Pre and Post trenching of 13 km of the pipeline to a cover of 2 metres.
- Pre-commissioning of pipeline.
- Topsides installation and Hook up.
Starting with basically a clean sheet OCS designed and supervised the rig up and the operation of the following construction spreads.
- Pre-trenching spud barge outfitted with Caterpillar 375 excavators which completed 5.0 kilometres of trenching, beach pull support, onshore tie-in and backfilling in duration of 90 days.
- Shallow water pipelay barge PL1 which had a peak layrate of 151 joints per day and an average of 110 with a spread cost under 100,000 per day.
- Pull barge rigged with linear winch and 5000 metres of 2.5” cable for a 5 km beach pull from the PL1.
- Trenching equipment for 8.5 kms of post burial work.
- Deck installation and hook up equipment.
The job was a technical and financial success for both contractor and client. Client references can be provided on request.