Project-HESS Indonesia Pangkah Engineering And Project Management
Bronang Project
Bronang project is a new development field on Natuna field located around 30 km NE of Bawal PLEM. The Bronang platform is interlinked to HangTuah MoGPU thru new 30 km of 14” pipeline and existing 40 km of 14” Bawal pipeline. The new 14” pipeline connected to newly installed Bronang PLEM integrated to existing Bawal PLEM (Bawal-01 Well Tee Assembly) and the existing pipeline. Corrective measures were taken on the Bawal pipeline at KP-20, involving the removal of a damaged pipeline section and its replacement with a spool featuring a mechanical connector. A similar replacement of a spool in near the HangTuah MoGPU was also undertaken.
OCS scope included the
- Conceptual, procedure, and operation of pipeline rectification (pipeline cutting services), pipeline pre-commissioning, and free-span rectification using grout bag
- Supply and Operate Diamond Wire Cutter to cut 14” buckled pipeline to be rectified
- Leak test of mechanical connector after installed on cut pipeline
- Hydrotest of on-site spool fabrication for Bronang and Bawal system
- Hydrotest of (existing) 14” Bawal pipeline – approx 40 km
- Precommisioning of newly laid 14” Bronang pipeline – approx 30 km
- Flooding, Cleaning, and Gauging
- Hydrotest of pipeline system
- Desalination, dewatering, and N2 packing of pipeline system from Hangtuah platform to Bronang platform (pipeline length approx 70 km including pipeline Tee and PLEM)
- Free-span rectification using grout bag
- Additional scope of work:
- Hydrotest of ex-tembang riser (future Siput project)