The Design and Construction Support Engineering group within OCS supports the company with specific analyses related to the design of marine structures, pipelines and associated facilities and the related Installation Engineering.
The Engineering group also performs specific standalone engineering for external clients.
The team also provides vital support with respect to the operation of OCS strategic equipment ensuring equipment skids are properly designed for offshore lifting and seafastening and transportation are properly executed in accordance with the requirements of relevant certifying authorities.
Experience encompasses the full range of structural, naval architectural, pipeline, SURF and geotechnical disciplines.
While the focus is on engineering analysis related to offshore oil and gas facilities the OCS Engineering group can perform general engineering covering a wide range of construction activities including launching and Floatover analysis.
The engineering team organization is here
Marine and General Engineering – Pre Qualification Document – Download
Marine and General Engineering – Presentation – Download
The main area of expertise includes:
- Structural (Jacket and Topside) Detailed Design Engineering (Read more)
- Structural (Jacket and Topside) Pre Service Analysis (Read more)
- Structural Installation Engineering (Read More)
- Process and Piping Engineering (Read More)
- Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering (Read More)
- Platform and Pipeline Decommissioning (Read More)
- FPSO and FPU Design (Read More)
- FPSO/ FSO/ Mooring Installation Engineering (Read More)
- Pipeline Design Engineering (Read more)
- Pipeline Installation Engineering (Read more)
- SURF Installation Engineering (Read more)
- Naval Architectural Engineering (Read more)
- Geotechnical Engineering (Read more)
Structural (Jacket and Topside) Detailed Design Engineering
- Dynamic Analysis
- Inplace Analysis And Design
- Hydrostatic Design
- Earthquake Analysis
- Fatigue analysis & Design
- Push-Over Analysis
- Load Out Design
- Sea Transportation Design
- Launch and Upend Design
- Float-over Mating Impact Design
- Lift Installation Design
- Miscellaneous Structural Design
- Software Used: SACS, STAAD Pro, STAAD Offshore, MathCAD worksheets
Structural (Jacket and Topside) Pre Service Analysis
The capability includes all pre-service and in-service analyses and designs, including:
- Jacket and Topside Load out Analysis
- Jacket and Topside Transportation Analysis
- Jacket and Topside Lifting Analysis
- Jacket Upending Analysis
- Jacket Launch Analysis
- Jacket and Topside Inplace Analysis
- Jacket and Topside Fatigue Analysis
- Jacket and Topside Seismic Analysis
- Push Over Analysis
- Float Over and Mating design
- All miscellaneous designs like boat landing, crown shims, transition piece design etc.
- Pile design – eigen value analysis for stick up
- Software Used: SACS, STAAD Pro, STAAD Offshore, MathCAD worksheets
Structural Installation Engineering
- Lift Engineering
- Rigging Designs
- Padeye design / checks
- Hook/ Prong checks
- Transportation / Launch / Upend Engineering
- Sea fastening Analyses/ designs
- Barge strength checks for transportation
- Jacket Launch, Lift and Upend Analyses.
- Pile Installation Checks
- Pile Stopper, stabbing guide Designs
- Pile Upending and Stick up Checks
- Topside Floatover Analysis
- Mating analysis checks
- Barge Upgrades: Upgrade of marine construction barges to accommodate additional required structural or pipelay capacity. Stinger upgrade or new build designs.
- Installation Aids design: Rigging Platform , Bumpers and guides, chaser frames, spreader bar/frame, lifting frames etc.
- Software Used: SACS, STAAD Pro, STAAD Offshore, MathCAD worksheets

Process and Piping Engineering
- Equipment Sizing Studies
- Flare system analysis
- Flare dispersion and radiation study
- Process control, operating, start up and shutdown philosophies
- P&ID generation
- Piping Stress Analysis
- Piping layout and Isometrics
- Piping Specifications
- Piping MTO
- Software Used: HYSYS, CAESAR II, PDMS, AutoCAD, MathCADworksheets

Electrical & Instrumentation
- Power System Studies
- Electrical Load list
- Cable sizing calculation
- Single line diagrams
- Earthing and Lighting layouts
- Hazardous area classification
- Electrical specification and MTO
- Instrument process hook up drawings
- Instrument fire and Gas cable schedule
- Instrument I/O list
- Cable schedule
- Cause and Effect drawings
- Data sheets, specification and MTO
- Software Used: ETAP, AutoCAD, MathCAD worksheets

FPSO and FPU design
- Module Structural Design
- Mooring analysis for the FPSO
- Process design for FPU
- Electrical Design for FPU
- Piping Design for FPU
- Mechanical Design for FPU
FPSO/ FSO/ Mooring Installation Engineering
- FPSO/ FSO station Keeping analysis
- FPSO/ FSO station keeping during installation – Tug boat/ Bollard Pull requirement
- Chain Mooring installation studies
- Catenary calculation
- Force calculation on Mooring Tower
- Software Used: MOSES, MathCAD worksheets
- Software Used: MOSES, MathCAD worksheets
Pipeline Design Engineering
- Pipeline Wall Thickness checks
- Cathodic protection design
- Route selection
- On bottom stability analysis
- Span Analysis, Crossing design
- Bottom Roughness analysis
- Subsea Tee Protection design
- PLEM and PLET structural Design
- Pipeline MTO
- Pipeline Specifications
- Software Used: Offpipe (Static and Dynamic), Offpipe Span module, Orca flex, Caesar II MathCAD worksheets
Pipeline Installation Engineering
- Pipeline Installation Analysis
- Static and Dynamic Lay Analysis
- Davit Lift Analysis
- Start-up and Lay down analysis : Incl. DMA start up, bow string start up
- Abandonment and Recovery Analysis
- Single Point Lift Analysis
- Pipeline Shifting Analysis
- Local Buckling Checks
- Beach Pull analysis
- Lay Sensitivity Analysis : Incl. stinger angle and tensioner sensitivity
- Weld Repair Analysis
- Above water Tie-in analysis
- Line Pipe Transportation
- Stacking Height Calculation
- Transportation Calculations and Sea fastening design
- Installation aids and Miscellaneous Design
- Start –up , Lay down and Pull heads design
- Beach Pull Hold Back Foundation Design
- Clamp design and bolt tension requirement check
- Concrete coating crushing strength and slipping check
- Software Used: Offpipe (Static and Dynamic) Orca flex, MathCAD worksheets
SURF Installation Engineering
Cable / Umbilical Installation Engineering
- Cable /Umbilical lay start up analysis inclusive of J Tube Pull Force Requirement
- Static Lay Analysis -Calculation of Lay Profile and Lay Tensions
- Dynamic Lay Analysis – Calculation of limiting environmental parameters
- Inline connector lay analysis
- Subsea end termination laydown analysis
- Fatigue Analysis
- Flexible Hose (Downline) Deployment Analyses
- Static Analysis – Downline top tension and Catenary Calculations for Pre-connection and Post connection
- Static Analysis with Current – Top Tensions & Subsea end static Displacements prior to connection and downline catenaries for Various cases after connection
- Dynamic Analysis – Top tensions, Subsea Termination connection end force and Limiting Environmental parameters Calculation
- Software Used: Orcaflex (Static and Dynamic), MathCAD worksheets
Naval Architectural Engineering
- Tow Analysis
- Stability Checks and Vessel Motion determination
- Towing System Evaluation incl. Bollard Pull Calculation
- Engineered Lift Studies
- To calculate the Dynamic Amplification Factors (DAF) applicable to lifting operations for specific vessels / cranes in specific directional sea states.
- Mooring Analysis
- To determine the mooring tensions at a particular environmental criteria and check the mooring components for this tension and also to determine the maximum allowable environmental criteria based on the mooring pattern
- To determine the vessel excursion
- Jacket Floatation and Upending Study
- Jacket configuration during various phases of upending
- Evaluation of jacket clearance to the barge and sea-bed
- Assessment of jacket leg flooding, if required, during upending
- Sling and hook loads
- Jacket stability checks during upending
- Sensitivity studies to investigate the effects of change in jacket weight and shifts in COG
- Jacket Launch Study
- Barge Ballasting Requirement
- Rocker Arm Reactions
- Jacket Dive Depth
- Maximum Barge Immersion
- Jacket Free Floating Condition stability check
Topside Floatover/ Mating Studies
- Mating analysis
- Calculation of loads in the LMU and DSF
- Calculation of Loads on the fenders/mooring
- Software Used: MOSES, Orcaflex, MathCAD worksheets
Geotechnical Engineering
- Pile Drivability study
- To determine the dynamic stresses on the pile during driving
- To check the adequacy of a hammer to drive the pile
- To optimize the pile sections to reduce the number of offshore splices.
Slope stability checks
Sheet pile design
Software Used: GRL WEAP