Project-Oceanic 5000 - Build To Operations
Oceanic 5000 – Build To Operations
The DLV Oceanic 5000 is a multipurpose marine construction vessel operated by Oceanic Marine Contractors. The vessel is DP2 classed and is also equipped with a 10 point mooring system. Pipelay equipment onboard consists of two linepipe double jointing stations feeding the main pipelay firing line. The pipe handling system is capable of handling up to 60” diameter pipes. Tension capacity is 240 metric tonnes (mT). The vessel is equipped with a 4400 mT capacity revolving tub crane mounted at the stern.
Oceanic Marine Contractors engaged OCS to provide the following services:
- Development of the Build To Operations manual for the Oceanic 5000
- Development of the DP Pipelay Trial procedures
- Assessment of the DP capability for construction
- Development of the Stinger Management procedure
- Vessel preparation