The project scope for long-term pipeline replacement is to replace the existing 32” OD subsea pipeline with a new 48” crude pipeline which involves the design, procurement, installation, commissioning of a new subsea crude oil pipeline system along with a new PLEM. Work consisted of 800m pipeline beach pull, 1.7km Pre-trenching & backfilling using a spud barge outfitted in-house with excavator (for shallow water) and dredging arm (for deeper water), 1.7km offshore pipelaying & PLEM installation adopting stalk-on method with DLB01, onshore spool from Landfall toward refinery and pipeline pre-commissioning (flooding / cleaning / gauging / hdyrotesting).
OCS scope on Exxon-Mobil Sriracha project in Thailand covers near shore cofferdam, pre-trenching, backfilling pipeline pre-commissioning and tie in to existing refinery for a new 48” oil offloading pipeline. Pipelay is by the Timas DLB 01 controlled by OCS Construction management and engineering.
Note the versatile configuration of the vessel combining pre-trenching with long reach Cat 390 100 tonne excavators in water depths to 12 metres and a trailing arm with jetting head and twin Toyo dredge pumps for deeper water to 25 metres plus the ability to perform lift support work (and post trenching when necessary) all in one package.
The vessel can be a “one stop shop” for all the customers pipeline shore approach and burial requirements.