Vessel management
In addition to the ownership and operation of OCS in-house marine equipment OCS provides a vessel management service for 3rd Party marine construction vessels.
OCS is not a typical ship management company. The vessels are managed not only from a marine perspective but from a marine construction perspective ensuring they are maintained and configured to perform the construction functions for which they were built efficiently and safely. This is important because the marine contractor depends on efficient performance for contract revenue.
OCS manages the following vessels for Indonesian Marine EPIC Contractor PT Timas .
Timas 1201: DP-2 Derrick / Pipelay vessel Equipment with 1200 tonne revolving mast crane. Vessel can lay pipe up to 48” diameter and steams at up to 14 knots with an average speed of 10 knots. Vessel is capable of executing marine construction projects worldwide.
Timas DLB 01: Moored Derrick Pipelay Vessel with 900 ton revolving tub crane. Vessel is equipped with a 12 point mooring and can lay pipelines up to 48” in diameter.
Services provided by OCS include:
- Management and Administration of the marine crew.
- Management and Administration of the Construction crew.
- Procurement and Maintenance of Marine and Construction Equipment.
- Class Surveys and Drydock Services.
In addition OCS prepares Construction operations manuals for marine vessels providing details of construction methods for typical construction projects the vessel may execute in a well documented and logical fashion in order that the vessel capabilities can be marketed to potential customers in the best possible light.